500字范文 > 职业规划英语作文范文


时间:2022-06-21 11:13:31



Being an accountant is my dream job. Accounting involves number crunching, math skills and organization. However, accounting is no longer the stereotyped dull job that it used to be. The change in the corporate culture has resulted in adding more glamour and importance to an accountant"s job. In fact, the hot new field is forensic accounting where you don the role of detective to figure out who has been playing funny with the money. The number crunching aspect is still there, but the role is not limited to that alone.

To be an accountant, the first step is to locate a learning institution providing classes in the field, by making absolute sure the institution is recognized by the relevant accounting agency. After that, I want to take the monster test--CPA examination.

I am a careful and organized person and I think these personalities are an accountant"s qualification. Moreover, I don"t like adventures I hope everything in my life goes well, and accounting is fit in this point. What you need is sitting in your office and makes your work done. In addition, the pay can be lucrative as well.

Like what I mentioned, accounting involves number crunching, math skills and having a good understanding of financial transactions. Moreover, you have to be pretty good at memorizing rules and concepts. Also, you have to be good at putting word problems into a mathematical form.




